The Nutritional Value of Milk. Just The Facts.

Milk Nutrition Facts Which Show The Nutritional Value of Milk

Nutritional Value of MilkWe all know milk is full of healthy vitamins and nutrients, but what’s the nutritional value of milk, compared to other foods? We think it’s time to understand the most important milk nutrition facts.

See the infographic below to see just how powerful milk’s nutritional content is. We know you’ll agree! After you read the this, get yourself the full nutritional value of cow milk from your local dairy.

Now that you know how great milk is for your health, the next question is how to buy. While we’ve come to expect our milk in plastic jugs and paper cartons, dairy farms across the country have gone retro and are switching back to milk in glass bottles.

There are several reasons why milk in glass bottles is better. Glass bottles are more environmentally friendly, and without harmful chemicals, the milk simply tastes better.

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